Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Walking this road alone? Reminding myself that my Beloved is with me always...

So this past week was really amazing. God's provisions just keep being brought to the surface, obviously in His timing and not mine. :) It's a complete time of TRUST...just total trust. God has proven time and time again just in the short month & 1/2 that I'm supposed to go to Uganda this June. It's incredible to look at the big picture of what has transpired thus far and how God's hand has been in this from the beginning. Really incredible. Of course, I have difficulty staying patient all the time and tend to have a couple of overwhelming last night and like today. There are like 15 different tasks for work, for preparation for Uganda, etc., that are swirling around in my head and when this happens, I just seem to shut down temporarily. I can't seem to be productive because my brain is in overload and needs a rest. But alas, I go to the Father and He reminds me that I'm going into my "control mode" and I've just got to relax. He is in control. He's got me covered. I am safe in Him. I need to stop looking at things as pesky tasks that need to get done and instead, just look at things with an eternal perspective. It's not all's not all what I'd like to be doing...but things have to get done.

[L to R: The Fulks (Cody & Michaela, Joshua, Malachi, Janaya, Carter,Samuel), Andrew & Kerri Meador, Chloe Nelson, me, Misty Kearn, The Williams (Kristi, Kenneth, Nevaeh, Zion, Ezra, Israel, Selah in Kristi's belly)]

So, I flew out to Colorado last Thursday and came back to D town on Sunday. It was a wonderful time with my team, my new family. I got to reconnect with Kristi & Kenneth, who I haven't seen since college! And then I met my new family and it was as if we had known each other forever. I'm so excited to embark on this new adventure with these great people and to begin to share life with them. Very, very cool how God brings a random group of people together. :) So, we decided on a departure date in June and we bought our tickets!! We're leaving (the majority of the group) on June 16th. It's coming quickly!!! One passage of Scripture that I always come back to is Isaiah 55: 8-9 --

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Oh how I try to control things, how I unconsciously believe I know what's best for me, how I try to create my own way...I can do this only so long before I fall, I break, I become overwhelmed. Then I am reminded of my Beloved's promise to me -- "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). I have to keep in mind that things will eventually come together with getting my house rented, raising all the support that I need, and getting everything completed before I leave on June 16. I keep hearing the phrase "Finish strong. Stay strong. Finish strong."

Please continue to keep me as well as my new family in your prayers as we continue to prepare to leave. Also, please keep Cody & Michaela Fulk (and their kiddos) in your prayers as well. They want to leave in July but have financial obligations currently that are providing a roadblock. They need to sell their house, pay off some debts to be completely debt-free upon leaving, and to raise the appropriate amount of money to support their family in Uganda. God is big. He's good. He's called us to go and serve in Uganda and I am expectant that the Fulks' needs will be met. And mine as well. :) Thanks, as always, for your thoughts, prayers, & words of encouragement. :)

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